Printing Care Plans

If you are experiencing difficulty printing a Care Plan, try using the “View PDF” button instead of the “Print” button. Your device may not fully support the functionality provided by the “Print” button.

Advice for existing users before mid-April 2016

Several changes are being made with the launch of AIM-OA which will affect you as an existing user: Options for subscribing to our service are available under Billing. You must choose a Username, and enter your First and Last name after you first log in. This makes it easier for […]

Config Available Procedures

To select procedures for the practice Enter Practice Setup Hit Tab Procedures at top of screen View list of procedures Select by clicking on box This will restrict the procedures offered in the management selection to those which have been selected for the practice

Setting a disease grade

Push Tab – Disease Grade Consider the history , duration and clinical features of the case and select the description that best fits the joint causing the clinical problem.    

Creating a care plan

Once the data has all been entered into the system a Care Plan can be created Enter CREATE PLAN from menu at top of screen A new screen will appear with Traffic lights against ABCD and E on left of screen – these indicate priorities with RED being high priority […]

Configuring foods

To select diets to customise the app to your practice Select Practice Setup Hit Tab DIETS at top of screen This will reveal a list of diet and nutraceutical suppliers- select the ones you use or wish to use by clicking box When you click a supplier box the relevant […]

Configuring Pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical products used by the practice can be customised so that only these will be offered up in the plans created by the practice Select Practice Setup Hit tab PHARMA at top of page This will reveal a list of manufactures- select the ones that you wish to use […]